JCPOA Talks Resume
Negotiations resumed between Iran and the P5+1 on 29 November in Vienna, but with the US in a hotel across the street and everyone else at the Palais Coburg hotel. (Other Coordinates: OpenStreetMap & HERE WeGo)
- Houthi-Salafi Coexistence Agreements: Motives and Future Prospects
- (Late Add) Carneigie ThinkTank Roundtable about GCC post Hydrocarborns. Some specific discussion about Yemen below.
Turkey’s Inflation Nonsense
Erdoğan has sacked 3 central bank managers in the past 2.5 years and has continued to politicize Turkey’s central bank which is a huge no-no in macro economic circles. Basically Erdogan wants to maintain low interest rates to stimulate Turkey’s economy and attract foreign businesses but the lira’s value keeps tumbling to new lows.
I’ve been asking myeslf why this policy and the best thing I’ve come across was this by Carnegie.1